A common enemy of our homes, persistent and relentless; unwanted bugs bringing disease and illness, and threatening your health


Mosquitoes pose the biggest threat as carriers of some potentially life-threatening diseases. They carry diseases such as malaria, dengue fever and the West Nile virus.


Flies also carry a range of diseases and bacteria that can cause conditions such as common food poisoning. They also pick up pathogens from faeces, trash and spoiled food and leave these germs behind wherever they land. In addition they may also transmit the eggs of parasitic worms.


It’s that noise that drives most of us crazy. That high-pitched buzzing of our friendly mosquito keeps many of us awake at night. Those bites can cause severe reactions resulting in painful swelling. And to make matters worse, half of all mosquito bites occur through clothing.


There are a number of precautions you can take. To restrict the breeding of mosquitoes around your home, you should limit the presence of standing and stagnant water in the house and garden. Even a bucket, flower-pot or bird bath can be a potential breeding ground for mosquitoes.

If you live near a water source like a lake, there is little you can do to stop the breeding. But sprays, incense and candles are must-haves to consider to help you ward off mosquitoes and flies.

Screens and mosquito nets for your windows and doors are an important barrier against these insects and should be present in every villa in the UAE. Investing in a quality screen can help guard your home and give long-lasting protection.

There are many screen options, and with sturdy and durable steel mesh varieties now available, these can take away your worry of needing frequent screen door repair, particularly in places like Dubai and Abu Dhabi, where the heat can damage cheaper quality screens. You home will always be protected.

So stay safe and keep those pesky and dangerous biters and buzzers out.